Top 20 Countries Found to Have the Most Cybercrime

Have you ever wondered which countries face the most cybercrime? If you have ever wondered which countries have the most cybercrime, then you may be surprised to know that there are few contributing factors that attract cybercriminals to specific regions of the world. Security research firm, Symantec, has discovered specific factors that determine why a certain country is plagued with cybercrime more so or less than another which allowed them to come up with a ranking for each.

Symantec has ranked 20 countries that face, or cause, the most cybercrime. In compiling such a list, Symantec was able to quantify software code that interferes with a computer’s normal functions, rank zombie systems, and observe the number of websites that host phishing sites, which are designed to trick computer users into disclosing personal data or banking account information. Symantec was also able to obtain data including the number of bot-infected systems which are those controlled by cybercriminals, rank countries where cyber attacks initiated and factor in the a higher rate of cybercrime in countries that have more access to broadband connections. The highest rate of cybercrime was found to be in the United States which may mainly contribute to the broad range of available broadband connections, which are those that allow uninterrupted internet connectivity.
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